Message 174: Searching for Nicolo family history...

   Posted by Marc Nicolo on 09/28/04 at 3:27 AM

Subject:   Searching for Nicolo family history...

Message Posted

Ciao tutti, I am currently living in Perugia, Italy for the semester and am attempting to make a voyage to Torricella Peligna near the end of November. My family is originally from there and immigrated to the U.S. in the early 1900's. This website has been a tremendous help in learning more about my family's history, but there are still gaps I'm am trying to fill. So I have some questions that hopefully can be answered.

First, from Perugia, what would be the best way to get to Torricella Peligna, is there a train or bus station, or would I have to rent a car?

And second, If anyone has any information about the Nicolo family, or suggestions about how to obtain more, other than what is on this site, like if any of them are still living in Torricella Peligna! I would greatly appriciate it. Mille Grazie.


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