Local Measures of Land (and Volume) Used in the Commune of Torricella Peligna and the Ex-Commune of Fallascoso:

Edited by Surveyor Pietro Di Luzio


1 Cup[1], Quart or Quarter[2] = 6 Measures

1 Mezzetto[3] = 2 Cups or Quarts = 12 Measures

1 Tomolo[4] = 2 Mezzetti = 4 Cups or Quarts = 24 Measures

1 Salma[5] or Soma[6] = 3 Tomoli = 6 Mezzetti = 12 Cups or Quarts = 72 Measures

Torricella Peligna

1 Tomolo = 3144.59 Metres Square 1 Tomolo = 3.92 Mogge[7]

1 Quarta = 778.65 Metres Square 1 Misura = 0.1633 Mogge

1 Salma = 9343.77 Metres Square ½ Misura = 0.0816 Mogge

1 Mezzetto = 1557.30 Metres Square ¼ Misura = 0.0408 Mogge

1 Misura = 129.77 Metres Square

Italian English
coppa cup
mezzetto half
quarta quarter
misura measure  


1 Tomolo = 2711.36 Metres Square

1 Quarta = 677.84 Metres Square

1 Salma = 8134.08 Metres Square

1 Mezzetto = 1355.68 Metres Square

1 Measure = 112.97 Metres Square

Translator's notes:

[1] Cup - Coppa - unit of measure for liquids and surfaces, formerly used in the Marche, corresponding to 35.08 litres at Ancona and Senegallia and to 28.2439 at Urbino

[2] Quart or Quarter - Quarta - unit of measure formerly used in Italy, corresponding to the fourth part of the basic unit, whether of surface area, capacity or weight; it varied according to the region

[3] Mezzetto/a

1. antique unit of measure of capacity for dry goods and liquids, varying according to the region

2.  the pot or jar whose capacity corresponds to the value of the unit of measure

[4] Tomolo/i - from Medieval Latin Tumulus = mound, hill, barrow, which comes from the Arabic thum = an eighth

1. unit of agricultural surface area or varying value, still in use in some zones of Central and Southern Italy

2. measure of capacity for dry goods like cereals, used in the past in Southern Italy, before the decimal metric system, with values varying from place to place, e.g. equivalent to 55.5 litres in Campania and to 27.5 litres in Sicily

[5] Salma – from late Latin Sagma (m) = pack-saddle, load, which is from the Greek Sagma  

1.  antique unit of measure for liquids and dried goods used especially in Sicily before the adoption of the decimal metric system

2.  measure of capacity for dry goods and liquids equivalent to about 279 litres, but varying from place to place, used especially in Southern Italy

3.  measure of surface area, in Sicily equal to 1.4 hectares

[6] Somafrom Late Latin Sauma (m) variation of Greek Sagma = saddle, pack-saddle

1.  antique unit of measure for liquids and dried goods, equivalent to the load of a beast of burden (pack animal), with a value that varied according to the region, from about 50 to 150 kg

2.  measure of capacity especially for foodstuffs, used in Italy before the adoption of the decimal metric system, with values varying from 66 to 145 litres.

[7] Moggio/a (m)

1a. unit of measure of capacity for dry goods; cylindrical recipient of this capacity

1b. unit of measure of surface area; the land needed to sow a moggio of corn

2.  a general indication of quantity: I want a thousand moggia of that good thing (Boccaccio)

3.  antique unit of agricultural measure used in certain Italian provinces

© Amici di Torricella

Translation courtesy of Dr. Marion Apley Porreca

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