La Musica di Torricella Peligna
(The Music of Torricella Peligna)

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Bar Penna Nera|

Marziale D'Ulisse, ??, Nicola Piccoli


Francine Piccoli Ransdell plays and sings this selection.  She learned to play and sing from her father, Nicola Piccoli (on the right, in this photo from 1981). 

Nicola emigrated
to California, but often visited Torricella and performed at the Bar Penna Nera. 

This music is Francine's tribute to her father and his love of Torricella.

Faccemace nu bicchiere (Lets have a glass of wine)
( parlato)
Questo vino ha un colorito belle
beviamo alla salute di tutti quanti di Torricella

Sto vino piace a tutti
piace pure a la maestra
ci da la mano destra
e sempre allegri ci fa sta

Facemmece nu bicchiere
facemmecele mo
Ca mo ci'avemo lu tempe
e n'altra volte no
E l'acqua fa male e lu vine e lu vine fa ben cantà
This wine has a beautiful colour
s drink to the health of everyone from Torricella

Everyone likes this wine
Even the Teacher likes it
It gives us the right hand
and it makes us always be merry

Lets drink a glass
Let us do it now
Because now we have the time

But another time, no
And water is bad for you and wine makes you sing well

Musica e parole di ignoti

Composition and lyrics: unknown authors
English translation: MARION APLEY PORRECA

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