La Musica di Torricella Peligna
(The Music of Torricella Peligna)


Click on the 'PLAY' button above for a musical accompaniment
 by Francesca Piccoli Ransdell
(Allow the song time to load, and turn up the volume!)


Francesca, Tiziano, Zio Vincenzo,Asino|

Tiziano Teti, Francine Piccoli, Zio Vincenzo Teti


Francine Piccoli Ransdell plays and sings this selection.  She learned to play and sing from her father, Nicola Piccoli.

Nicola emigrated
to California, but often visited Torricella and performed at the Bar Penna Nera. 

This music is Francine's tribute to her father and his love of Torricella.

E tu che suocchie (And you with those eyes)

Nin mi guardà n'ghe s'uocchie Pasquarosa
ca io pe te ci perse lu riposa

e tu n'ghi s'uocchie
Mi fi squaj
à lu core
mi fi m'pazzì d'amore
mi fi murì pe te

Nin mi guardà n'ghe s'uocchie Rusinelle
ca i pe te ci perse lu cirvelle

e tu n'ghi s'uocchie
Mi fi squaglià lu core
mi fi m'pazzì d'amore
mi fi murì pe te

 Don’t look at me with those eyes Pasquarosa
Because of you I lose my rest

 And you with those eyes
You make my heart melt
You make me go mad with love
You make me die for you

Don’t look at me with those eyes of yours Rosinella
 Because of you I have lost my brain

And you with those eyes
You make my heart melt
You make me go mad with love
You make me die for you

Musica e parole di ignoti

Composition and lyrics: unknown authors
English translation: MARION APLEY PORRECA

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