Literature and Poetry
(Letteratura e poesia)

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Al Mio Paesello
(To My Village)

di Carmine Testa delli Pizzi

Sul colle ameno sorgi, e di lontano

sovrasti il fiume Sangro e l'Aventino,

madre Maiella guardi e quidi il piano

ed il mar da lungi fra l'abete e il pino.

Ristai fra i monti a respirare il sano

aereo fluido fragrante e fino

che mente e cuor ritempra nell'umano

fluire d'opre del fatal cammino.


You arise upon that pleasant hill, and from a distance


You dominate the Sangro and Aventino Rivers,


Mother Maiella from afar you watch and guide the plain


And the sea, between the fir and the pine.


You stay amongst the mountains to breathe the healthy


Fragrant fluid air and until  


Mind and heart restore within the human


The flow of works along their mortal path.



Translation courtesy of Marion Apley Porreca

This poem appeared on the back of a postcard of the Madonna della Roseto

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