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PAG. 1   


Nicolo and Ficca

Ciao. Torricella, ti penso sempre!!! Ciao. Torricella, I always think of you!!!

21 Feb 2005:
I have been enjoying the website.  I think I have read every word on every page and link.  You have done such a wonderful thing for those of us that are interested in our heritage.  None of the other villages or towns have the extensive information that can be found on the Torricella webpages!!! 

This is the information I have regarding my family:
Mariano Nicolo, my great grandfather (born 10.31.1893), came to the US on 5.5.1916 on the 'Duca di Genova'.
Marziale Nicolo - came on the same ship in 1916.
Marie Vincenza (Ficca) Nicolo, my great grandmother, was born in Torricella on 4.27.1894. She came to the US in 1920.  (The ship she was sailing on was said to have sank and the passengers were rescued from an island before completing their trip to Ellis Island)  Ellis Island does not have a record of her arrival.   
Antonio Nicolo was born in Torricella in 1913 and came to the US in 1920 with Marie Vincenza.
Mauro (Morris) Nicolo was born in Torricella in 1915 and came to the US in 1920 with Marie Vincenza.
Marie Vincenza Ficca's siblings were:
- Domenico Ficca born in Torricella in 2.27.1887 - Came to the US in 1910 - Married to Orania Marie Di Marino.
- Nicoletta Ficca
- Concetta Ficca - She never left Torricella.  I believe she may have been married to Donato D'Ambrosio.
Their father may have been named Mauro Ficca (found on an Ellis island ship manifest)

I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading about Torricella.  I will definitely be visiting this village.  Thank you both so much for all your hard work and effort in this website!!
Thank you, Roberta Cox
20 Feb 2005:

Per curiosità sono entrata in questo sito e ho avuto un tuffo al cuore: tutti coloro che sono sparsi per il mondo, si ritrovano comunque a Torricella, in un grande, gioioso abbraccio virtuale, e si conoscono tutti e tutti hanno qualcosa in comune da ricordare.

Anch'io, sono nata a Torricella Peligna, ormai cinquant'anni fa, ma non conosco nessuno, lì da voi, non ho punti di riferimento, eppure, poco fa, mentre leggevo le amail, mi sembrava di essere ad una di quelle finestre che si affacciano sul piccolo, prezioso corso di Torricella e quasi sentivo le vostre voci, quasi vi vedevo mentre, incontrandovi, vi salutavate affettuosamente; forse perchè un paio di anni fa, in un giorno di mezzagosto, sono salita lassù,  e si festeggiava la giornata dell'emigrante e, tutti, si abbracciavano, incontrandosi e si chiedevano l'un l'altro chi avessero visto, chi era tornato da lontano.

E' bello, questo sito, complimenti a Chi lo cura, certo con passione.... mi riporta a quel giorno che ho trascorso con serenità con il sole che scaldava l'anima e l'aria  frizzantina che mi vibrava dentro

Ciao. Torricella, ti penso sempre!!!

Agata Caporaso

La famiglia di Agata non e’ di Torricella. Lei e’ nata a Torricella perchè suo padre lavorava in una frazione del circondario. Poco dopo la sua nascita, si sono trasferiti in Campania.

20 Feb 2005:

Out of curiosity I logged onto this site and my heart skipped a beat. Those that are scattered across the globe, still manage to meet up in Torricella, in a grand,  joyous embrace over the Internet. They get to know each other and they all have something to recall.

I was also born in Torricella Peligna, already 50 years ago, but I don’t know anyone there and I don’t have a point of reference. Yet, recently, as I was reading emails, I felt as if I was at one of the windows that overlook the small, precious main street of Torricella, "Il Corso". I could almost hear your voices; I could almost see you meet and greet each other affectionately. Perhaps it is because a few years ago, on a day in the middle of August, I went up there, and they were celebrating the feast of the emigrant. Everyone hugged each other as they met, and they asked each other who they had seen and who had returned from faraway.

This site is beautiful. Compliments to those who run it, surely with passion . . . .it takes me back to that day of serenity I spent with the sun warming the soul and the brisk air tingling inside.

Ciao. Torricella, I always think of you!!!

Agata Caporaso

Agata’s family is not from Torricella. She was born in Torricella because her father was working in a nearby village. Soon after her birth, they moved to the Campania region.

Translation to english by Dan Aspromonte